Lead Poisoning: Lead is a highly toxic metal that can be found in many products and materials in our homes and businesses. However, the primary source of lead poisoning in the human body is lead-based paint.
However, lead can also be found in the dust and soil where lead-based paints have peeled off. Or even have been disturbed, as well as in some types of plumbing materials i.e. lead pipes.
Congress passed laws
Congress passed laws prohibiting the manufacture and use of lead-based paint in 1978. Yet many buildings and homes built before this ban still contain significant amounts of lead-based paint. This lead in our environment poses the danger of causing lead poisoning.
Cause of Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning occurs when lead is absorbed by your body. Which is primarily through breathing or swallowing airborne lead dust or lead-based paint chips. Children are particularly susceptible because they play on the floor or ground. As a result, they are constantly putting their fingers or various objects into their mouths.
Repeated Exposure.
Although lead poisoning occurs gradually and after repeated exposure, your young children will absorb about 50% of the lead that they swallow. You, because of body differences, will absorb only about 10% of lead you swallow. Obviously, your children are at much greater risk from lead poisoning than you are, as adults.
If left untreated.
If left untreated, lead poisoning has serious effects on the human body, depending on the time and amount of exposure. Low levels of lead poisoning can cause developmental, learning, and behavioral problems, which are especially worrying for your children. High levels of lead poisoning can cause brain damage, liver and kidney damage, and even hearing loss. The most severe cases of lead poisoning can result in brain swelling, causing convulsions, coma, and even death.
Have your home checked.
If you are unsure or just need peace of mind, have your home checked for lead contamination by a qualified inspector. Be mindful when renovating older homes or when removing lead-based paint.
Hire a trained, experienced contractor who will take the necessary precautions and properly clean up the area. Keep your children away from areas that you suspect may be contaminated by lead. Make efforts to keep dust down by cleaning with lead-specific products, and wash your hands a lot.
Contact our legal staff.
Finally, if you suspect that a loved one has suffered a related injury, such as lead poisoning from lead-based paint. Then please contact our legal staff so we can help you determine your legal rights. Also to inform you of potential medical treatments. Depending on your circumstances, you may have a case. Consequently, you may be entitled to recover money for your lead-related injuries.
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Common symptoms of lead poisoning in your children are:
Your child may complain of no desire to eat, tummy aches, not sleeping, learning problems at school.
Check your child for constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, not doing well at school.
Common symptoms of lead poisoning in adults like you are:
Fatigue, depression, heart failure, abdominal pain, gout, kidney failure, high blood pressure, wrist or foot weakness, reproductive problems, and anemia.
If you live or work in a home or building built prior to 1978 or if you feel you may have been exposed to lead. Firstly, you should have a simple blood test by a medical doctor. If it turns out that you have been exposed to lead, the main treatment for lead poisoning is to stop the exposure. However, there are also medications available that will lower the lead levels in your blood.
Remember, if you need a personal injury lawyer or a wrongful death lawyer, Joey Messina at Messina Law Firm is here for you. Contact our legal staff if you’d like free no-obligation assistance with your lead exposure case.