Progressive Insurance started offering its customers possible discounts if they volunteer to have their driving habits monitored. Progressive launched a new program – the “Snapshot” program. It allows drivers to voluntarily put a small device that records certain driving data in their vehicle. Drivers are eligible for a savings of up to 30 percent if they install the data collection device. However, they will possibly increase your rate by up to 9% if they don’t like what they see.
If a driver chooses to install the device, among the data collected, it will monitor how far someone drives. Jackrabbit starts, how hard someone hits the brakes when they come to a stop. The device will also be able to determine what times of day you use your car.
Huge Privacy Concerns.
Progressive decided to implement the program after seeing competing insurance companies offering the service. However, some privacy advocates are worried that devices like this will someday become standard equipment on cars and drivers will be forced to use them. And that’s exactly what will happen.
Progressive tries to deflect its invasion of your privacy.
“We know that privacy is a big issue for consumers,” said Glenn Renwick, CEO of Progressive. There is no global positioning system in the device so the insurance company does not know where a driver is going. In addition, the device does not keep track of what speed someone chooses to drive.
Their new “Snapshot” program is currently operating in 32 states and may consequently expand to other states in the near future.
Bad Judgement?
First of all, who decides how many jackrabbit starts will cause an increase in your premium? How many hard braking incidents will get your policy canceled? What number of times did you exceed the speed limit, before getting that cancelation notice? Who decides what number and type of ‘infractions’ will increase your premium?
Make no mistake, our driving habits to be monitored should be stopped immediately. Mr. Messina advises our clients not to install one of these devices… At least not until we are all forced to do so.
Joey Messina is a practicing personal injury attorney in the Dallas area. Contact him today by clicking here.